When:  Friday, November 1st from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Where:  Acton Community Center

Cost:  Admission $15

***Fantastic Raffle Items***

**Great Prizes**

*Snacks and Beverages (Available for Purchase)*

Tickets available for pre-purchase at Meadowlark and at the door the night of the event.






Back to School BBQ

Come celebrate the new school year by joining us on Friday, September 20th from 5-8pm at Meadowlark Elementary School for a BBQ catered by Pit Stop Barbecue. 

Our new principal, Ms. Tredick, will be there along with a raffle, a live auction for a Meadowlark premium parking spot, and western activities. 

Get your pre-ordered tickets today by calling Debbie Blaha at (661)492-2328. 

  Meal choices include:  Pulled Chicken Dinner for $9.00, 1/4 lb Hot Dog Meal for $7.00 and a Grilled Cheese Meal for $7.00. 

*All proceeds go directly to funding music education*

2012-2013 President’s Message

As President of ASMO, I am honored to be your President for the 2012-2013 school year.

I want to personally thank all the Board Members and Members-at-Large for their continued support of ASMO and our upcoming events.

I am very excited to announce that we will continue to move forward with all our volunteers, past and present. They have always been amazingly supportive with their countless hours and have made this program a success.

We’re presently moving  forward with our annual Bingo fundraiser (November 11th). Please join us.  It will be fun and exciting.  The best news is that our ASMO music teachers have agreed to join us at this event.  Let’s show our support.

We look forward to seeing you at all our events. I am open to any input and help to any and all events.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Sincerely,                                                                                                                                     Dee Emeterio

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser A Success!

ASMO kicked off the 2012-2013 year with our annual Spagetti Dinner Fundraiser on September 28th.  The food was great and the event well attended.

Two Preferred Parking spots were auctioned off.  The lucky winners were The Right Connection Service, LLC and EEAP.

Thank you EEAP and The Right Connection Service for your generous support of ASMO and music in our schools.

Thank you Pam Wolter and Carla Wolter for chairing this event.

Thank you everyone who attended and helped support music in our schools.

12 Benefits of Music

Submitted by Dawn Schneider on behalf of the Children’s Music Workshop

1. Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and  reasoning. It is thought that brain development continues for many years after  birth. Recent studies have clearly indicated that musical training physically  develops the part of the left side of the brain known to be involved with processing  language, and can actually wire the brain’s circuits in specific ways. Linking  familiar songs to new information can also help imprint information on young  minds.

2. There is also a causal link between music and spatial intelligence (the ability  to perceive the world accurately and to form mental pictures of things). This  kind of intelligence, by which one can visualize various elements that should  go together, is critical to the sort of thinking necessary for everything from  solving advanced mathematics problems to being able to pack a book-bag with everything  that will be needed for the day.

3. Students of the arts learn to think creatively and to solve problems by imagining  various solutions, rejecting outdated rules and assumptions. Questions about  the arts do not have only one right answer.

4. Recent studies show that students who study the arts are more successful on  standardized tests such as the SAT. They also achieve higher grades in high school.

5. A study of the arts provides children with an internal glimpse of other  cultures and teaches them to be empathetic towards the people of these cultures.  This development of compassion and empathy, as opposed to development of greed  and a “me first” attitude, provides a bridge across cultural chasms  that leads to respect of other races at an early age.

6. Students of music learn craftsmanship as they study how details are put together  painstakingly and what constitutes good, as opposed to mediocre, work. These  standards, when applied to a student’s own work, demand a new level of excellence  and require students to stretch their inner resources.

7. In music, a mistake is a mistake; the instrument is in tune or not, the notes  are well played or not, the entrance is made or not. It is only by much hard  work that a successful performance is possible. Through music study, students  learn the value of sustained effort to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards  of hard work.

8. Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline. In order for an orchestra  to sound good, all players must work together harmoniously towards a single goal,  the performance, and must commit to learning music, attending rehearsals, and  practicing.

9. Music provides children with a means of self-expression. Now that there is  relative security in the basics of existence, the challenge is to make life meaningful  and to reach for a higher stage of development. Everyone needs to be in touch  at some time in his life with his core, with what he is and what he feels. Self-esteem  is a by-product of this self-expression.

10. Music study develops skills that are necessary in the workplace. It focuses  on “doing,” as opposed to observing, and teaches students how to  perform, literally, anywhere in the world. Employers are looking for multi-dimensional  workers with the sort of flexible and supple intellects that music education  helps to create as described above. In the music classroom, students can also  learn to better communicate and cooperate with one another.

11. Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks.  A little anxiety is a good thing, and something that will occur often in life.  Dealing with it early and often makes it less of a problem later. Risk-taking  is essential if a child is to fully develop his or her potential. Music contributes to mental health and can help prevent risky behavior such as teenage drug abuse.

12. An arts education exposes children to the incomparable.

Thanks Children’s Music Workshop for the article

Interview with Principal Freeman about Acton CA School Music Program

Acton School Music Program needs your participation!

by Sandra Beck

         1. What are some of the challenges running a music program without a budget?
I am so thankful to ASMO for funding our outstanding music program. Each year this amazing organization spends countless hours raising funds to bring music to our school. Our music program is based solely on ASMO’s fundraising efforts. In these hard economic times it takes creativity and determination to get the funds needed to sustain our program.
2. Why is music important for our children?
Brain research indicates that when children learn music they excel in mathematics.  It also is a wonderful learning modality for many students. It is amazing how we memorize lyrics and they are with us forever. If we take grade level standards and put them to music our students will have a new ( fun!) way to learn the content.
3. What are the benefits of having a music program in our school district?
Having a music program at our school allows for children to not only learn the fundamentals but also allows them the opportunity to perform and be a part of a show. For many students this will be their only opportunity to perform and I am so thankful that we are able to provide an outstanding program here at Meadowlark!
4. What are some of the needs you have in the program right now?
We would love to expand our music program.  Additional funds would allow us to continue to grow our program by purchasing new curriculum, instruments and allow more time each week for our students to learn music fundamentals.
5. How can parents and families help?
Our amazing families can help by becoming members of ASMO! This is a great way to support our organization and you get preferred seating at our performances.
6. How can the community help?
The Acton community is amazing. We get countless donations from our local businesses and they support all of our fundraising events! I am so happy to partner with many of them and hope to partner for many years to come!
7. If you were granted one wish by a generous benefactor for your music program what would the be?
It would be the gift of grade level instruments! I would LOVE to have each grade level focus on an instrument and perform at the end of the year. The kinesthetic learners would LOVE this!
For more information about how you can participate in our local school music program contact ASMO president Dee Emeterio at 661-309-7762.  Join ASMO today and bring music back into our hearts and our communities.